Friday, February 1, 2008

More & more snow

Last year the snow didn't want to come when we did want it to come, now this year when we don't want anymore of it because of my son D.J.'s babtism it won't stop coming. Well, better luck next year!


Tara Mc said...

hey this is so cute. Im going to put you as one of my cool people. So if you would like to start a list of people.BYE!!!! Jaycee

teresa and the boys said...

Yay -- more people to add to my blogroll! And welcome to the blogging world -- hope you'll stay a while!

We're at


if you wanna' come visit!

(The blogger account is just so we can comment on everyone else's.)

teresa and the boys said...

I just think you should know that i check your blog every single day. And one of these days, there's going to be a new post, and I'm going to fall over dead. And when I get up, I'm going to be the happiest cousin you've ever seen. =)

Hope you're all doing well. Is spring up there yet?

Jordan and Heidi Jensen said...

-k- I'm still laughing at teresa's last comment:o)...just another cousin waiting for an update:o)lol
luv you guys